
Baboon Skull

Baboons are primates comprising the genus Papio, one of the 23 genera of Old World monkeys. There are five species of baboons, commonly known as hamadryas baboon, Guinea baboon, olive baboon, yellow baboon and chacma baboon.


Chimpanzee Skull

The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), also known as the common chimpanzee, robust chimpanzee, or simply chimp, is a species of great ape native to the forest and savannah of tropical Africa. It has four confirmed subspecies and a fifth proposed subspecies. T ...


Gorila Skull

Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forest . of central Sub-Saharan Africa. The genus Gorilla is divided into two species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas (both critically endangered), and either fo ...

case studies 3


We have worked extensively with the Oral and Maxilofacial Surgeons of Central India. We have worked extensively in TMZ, Cleft lip and Mandible reconstruction Surgeries. A few documents detailing the learnings that we have accuired from these cases are at ...

case study 2

Case Study 2

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Case Study 1

Case Study 1

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